วันจันทร์ที่ 27 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2563

Negara Brunei Darussalam

Negara Brunei Darussalam 

The national religion is religion. Islam (67%) Other religions
Namely Buddhism (13%)Christianity (10%) and Hind

Kingdom of Cambodia

 Kingdom of Cambodia

The national religion is religion Theravada Buddhism (separated into2 sub-sects are Dharma ending sect and Mahayana)And other religions such as religion Islam and Christianity

Union of Myanmar

 Union of Myanmar 

Buddhism (Burma) Buddhism is a fixed religion National in 1974)
90 Christianity, 5 percent Islam 3.8 percent Hinduism 0.05 percent

The Lao People's Democratic Republic of Lao PDR

The Lao People's Democratic Republic of Lao PDR

75 percent are Buddhists.16-17 percent respect the ghost The rest is Christian.
(About 100,000 people) And Islam (approximately 300 people

Socialist Republic of Vietnam

Socialist Republic of Vietnam

Most Vietnamese people respect Mahayana Buddhism Up to 70 percent of the amount
15 percent population respected Remaining Christianity Confucianism, Islam



Islam (national religion 60.4 percent) Buddhism (percent19.2) Christ (11.6 percent)
Hinduism (6.3 percent) Other (2.5 percent)

Republic of Singapore

Republic of Singapore

Buddhism 42.5% Islam 14.9% Christian 14.5% Hindu 4% No Religion 25%



Approximately 95 percent of the population Thai, Theravada Buddhism Which is the de facto national religion Even though no law has been received The Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand
According to Islam, approximately 4, most of whom are Thais Southern Region Christianity and
Other religions, approximately 1 percent

Republic of the Philippines

Republic of the Philippines

92 percent of Filipinos All counting religious ceremonies With 83 percent respecting the body
Roman Catholicism and 9 percent Protestant 5 percent Muslims, Buddhists and others 3 percent

Republic of Indonesia

Republic of Indonesia

87 percent of Indonesian people count Islam, 6 percent ChristianProtestants 3.5%Catholic
1.8 percent respectable Hinduism and 1.3 percentBuddhism